E-Signature Basics

Learn more about how to send and sign documents using OneSpan Sign

Sending a Document

Securely send a document for e-signature

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions

1) Click the ‘New Transaction’ button in the top right hand corner.


2) Enter a title for your transaction. Click the ‘Create’ button.


3) Add your documents and recipients who need to sign; Click the ‘Next’ button.


4) Add a signature block to a desired location on your document for your recipients to sign. Simply drag-and-drop a signature block from the left hand side into the document. Click the ‘Send to Sign’ button to route your document for signing.


FAQ Questions

Which document formats can I send for e-signature using OneSpan Sign?

OneSpan Sign supports the following document formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx and .odt. We also support any document that can be printed from a Windows application (e.g., .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, etc.) via the OneSpan Sign Print Driver.

Is there a document size limit?

The maximum size for each document is 10MB.

What's the difference between a document and a transaction?

A transaction is a container used to send one or more documents for signature to your recipients. Transactions can contain multiple documents and can be sent to several recipients. Documents can also have multiple pages.

How can I automate the signing process for transactions that involve large volumes (i.e., hundreds) of recipients?

We offer an add-on feature called Bulk Send that allows you to upload a .csv file of recipients and send the transaction for signature to recipients on that list.

Fast Track is also add-on feature that enables you to distribute documents to large volumes of recipients for signing. Fast Track provides a dedicated URL that you can embed into your website or in an email. This allows you to automate the signing process for template-based transactions.

Contact your customer success representative to learn more about Bulk Send and Fast Track.

How will I know when the recipient has e-signed documents?

Once signing is complete, you will receive an email confirmation along with a .PDF of the signed document that you can download for your records. The final, signed document includes an embedded audit trail and separate Evidence Summary Report which details who signed, in what order, when and where.

If you’re a sender and you sign documents directly in your OneSpan Sign account, you can view the status of the transaction from the “Recent Transactions” menu.

The centralized administrator panel gives you control over your entire OneSpan Sign account across your organization.

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-By Step Instructions

1) If you’re the administrator for your organization’s OneSpan Sign account, you can access the Admin section from the top menu.From the main Admin screen, you can easily access and manage account information for your entire organization.


2) From the ‘Subscription’ section, you can view your OneSpan Sign plan details such as the amount of documents, number of recipients and signatures included in your account. You’ll also find information about the number of senders you can add to your account.


3) For customers integrated with OneSpan Sign, the ‘Integration’ section lets you configure notifications pertaining to events that take place in a transaction. Simply add your callback URL and callback key in the field to set up event notifications. You have the option to enable specific event notifications from this screen. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes.


4) In the ‘Senders’ section, you can invite senders from within your organization to become OneSpan Sign users. In the ‘Invite by email’ field, simply enter the email address and click the envelope icon.


5) Delegate signing authority to any member in your organization by clicking on their name then assign signing authority rights to team members. Click the ‘Assign Delegates’ option. As an example, if John is out of the office, you can grant Robert authority to manage John’s account while he’s away.


6) You can also reset passwords for members in your organization, grant administrator rights to other members while you’re away, lock a sender, and delete or suspend senders from the account.


7) If your organization frequently sends transactions to a group of people, the ‘Groups’ section allows you to create a group of individuals within your organization. Group members must be senders under the main account. Simply click the ‘New Group’ button. In the dialog box, enter the group name and enter the email addresses to be included in the group. If a transaction is sent to a group of recipients, one of the recipients of the group will e-sign the transaction on behalf of the group to complete the transaction.


8) In the ‘Custom Fields’ section, you can add a new field to be included as a signature field option. Once added, the new custom field can be accessed when you prepare a transaction for e-signature.


9) For basic Account information, select ‘My Account’ from the top menu. Here, you can edit personal information such as name, Company information, Phone number and address details. You can also change your password, and also create a handwritten signature.


Additional Resources

Create and Save a Handwritten Signature

Account owners can create and save a reusable handwritten signature to their account profile

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions

From the Dashboard, access the ‘My Account’ section from the top menu.


From the ‘My Account’ screen, select ‘Signature’ on the left hand-side navigation menu. 


Click the pen icon. Then draw your signature using your mouse. If you make a mistake, click “Clear” to reset the block. Once you’re satisfied with the handwritten signature, click “Save”. 


What’s more, you have the option to create a handwritten signature using your finger or a stylus from your tablet or smartphone. Simply access the OneSpan Sign web application from your smartphone or tablet to create and save your handwritten signature. 


When it comes time to sign a document, simply click the signature block. Your handwritten signature will automatically be applied to the document, without having to create a new handwritten signature each time when signing. 

E-Signing a Document (from email)

E-Sign a document quickly and easily with OneSpan Sign

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions

1) As a Signer, you will receive an email request for your signature. Click the link to access the document from your email.



2) Next, you may be prompted to read and accept the ESIGN Disclosures and Consent document. Tick the checkbox to confirm you have read the terms of the document and then click the ‘Accept’ button.


3) You will be directed to the document which requires your signature. Take some time to review the document. 

The menu on the left-hand side will show you the number of documents in the transaction that require your signature. In this example, there are 2 documents in the transaction that require your signature. 


4) To e-sign the document, simply click on the signature box. Once you are done signing the documents, click the Confirm button. 



FAQ Questions

Who do I contact if I have questions about the document sent to me to e-sign?

OneSpan Sign sends email notifications on behalf of our users. If you have a question about a document sent to you, contact the person who sent you the email about the e-signature request.

I failed authentication and cannot access the document to e-sign. What do I do?

Contact the person who sent you the e-signature request to re-initiate authentication.

I clicked the signature box to e-sign the document but I cannot complete the e-signature session. What do I do?

This may be due to other fields that were not completed in the document. Once the document is fully completed with all fields filled out, the e-signature session is completed.

Can I download a copy of the e-signed documents for my records?

Absolutely! After the e-signature session is completed, you will have an option to download the e-signed documents from the top task bar. You can click the ‘Download all files’ button. What’s more, a copy of the e-signed documents will also be e-mailed to you once the e-signing session is completed.

I’m trying to access the document from my email. When I click the ‘Go to Documents’ button, the link won’t let me access the document to e-sign. What should I do?

One of the most common causes of this issue is email blocking. The email service you are using may recognize the OneSpan Sign email notifications as spam and may be filtered to your spam or junk folders. The ‘Go to Documents’ link may be disabled.

Make sure to indicate that the OneSpan Sign email notification is not spam and move it to your inbox. The ‘Go to Documents’ button should now work and let you access the document to e-sign.

E-Signing a Document (from Dashboard)

E-Sign a document quickly and easily from the OneSpan Sign Dashboard

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions

1) First, select ‘Requires My Signature’ from the ‘My Transactions’ section of the dashboard. In this example, Paul has 3 transactions that require his signature.



2) From the ‘Transactions’ screen, select a transaction that needs to be signed.



3) You will be directed to the document that requires your signature. Take some time to review the document. When you’re ready to sign the document, simply click on the signature box.



4) Once you are done signing the document, a ‘Confirm’ dialog box will appear. Click ‘Ok’ to confirm your signature.



5) A ‘Requires your signature’ dialog box will appear, prompting you to sign the next transaction in the queue that requires your signature. Click ‘Sign Now’.



Dashboard Overview

Easily track all incoming and outgoing transactions from the centralized dashboard

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions

1) You can access the dashboard at any time from the ‘Dashboards’ tab in the top navigation bar.



2) The dashboard includes three main sections – Account Summary, My Transactions, and Recent Transactions – all updated in real-time with the latest transaction activity data.



3) The ‘Account Summary’ graph provides a visual breakdown of all transaction activities from the last 30 days. It gives you an overview of your transactions that are in progress, completed, in draft mode, and cancelled.



4) By clicking the pie chart, you get access to the Account Summary Report. You can enter a date range to filter your transactions and get automatic visibility into the status of your transactions.



5) The ‘My Transactions’ section shows you the transactions you created in the last 30 days. It tracks transactions that require your signature, and ones that are in progress, completed, or about to expire. For documents that require your signature, you can quickly access the transaction right from this menu and then proceed with the signing process.



6) If you’d like to see just a snapshot of your last 10 transactions, you’ll find them at the bottom in the ‘Recent Transactions’ section. If you want to see all your transactions, simply click ‘View all’.



FAQ questions

Where can I access Evidence Summary report related to certain transactions?

Simply go to the ‘Transactions’ section from the top navigation menu, go to a completed transaction, then download the Evidence Summary of the transaction.If you don’t see the Evidence Summary option, contact the OneSpan Sign Support Team to enable it.

From the dashboard, how can I sign a transaction which requires my signature?

You can sign a transaction that requires your signature by selecting the ‘Requires my signature’ option in the ‘My Transactions’ section on the right-hand side.